Skalleband – Sámi Shoe Bands – Shell Bands, Skallebånd, Vuoddagat, Paulanauhat Sami patterned shoe bands were traditionally woven on a rigid heddle loom. The woven bands were worn wrapped around the ankles […]
Sámi heddle and tablet woven narrow bands, belts, trims.
Skalleband – Sámi Shoe Bands – Shell Bands, Skallebånd, Vuoddagat, Paulanauhat Sami patterned shoe bands were traditionally woven on a rigid heddle loom. The woven bands were worn wrapped around the ankles […]
Sámi Bands and Belts The Sami style belts and bands are woven on a traditional Sami weaving reed. The coloured pattern yarns are threaded through the top row of holes. The bottom […]