Tales of a Sea Sámi – Intro

Tales of a Sea Sámi


Dads Mandolin

Dads Mandolin

My Father – Salomon Halonen was born in 1906 in Petsamo, Finland (Pechanga). His mother, Maria Dahl was born in Vesisaari, Norway.

After the war years, my father immigrated to Canada where he became a commercial fisherman, fishing off the coast of British Columbia.

I spent many memorable weekends sitting in my father’s nethouse while he repaired his nets. He would tell me many stories of his adventures, growing up as a young child in Northern Sapmi. He recorded many of these stories onto cassette tapes. He left these tapes for me, asking that I would someday record and translate them for others to also hear what life as a young orphan child was like.

Only now, with modern AI voice technology, I am able to reproduce these tapes so that others can also hear about his adventures. I am posting these onto my YouTube channel, in podcast form. I am also researching image databases to add to these podcasts, and presenting them in video format, to give you an idea of what life looked like way back when.

Dad's Cassette Tapes

Dad’s Cassette Tapes

Dad Repairing Fishing Nets

Dad Repairing Fishing Nets